Why family photographs are important to me – my favourite image

Pictures like this one reminds me of what matters. I love this photograph.  This is a collage of images I took around 11 years ago when my daughter was a baby.  It’s not perfect and was taken before I started my career as a newborn and baby photographer, however, every time I look at this image it makes me smile.  Photos bring joy! A chance to reflect back on happy times.

This picture reminds me of what matters, and how quickly time passes and so we must treasure and live for today.  These photos are part of our legacy.  We can share them with our children and we can pass them down.

How many people nowdays take the time to photograph their families except on their phones? How many people have images on a USB and are thrown in a drawer to never be printed. What legacy are you leaving for your children.  Photographs are part of our legacy – they connect us to our past. Looking at images, for example, of my parents as children or my parents grandparents who I never had the chance to meet, gives me an insight into my family and their ancestors and so a part of who I am today. These photos help us share memories from one generation to the next.

I hate having my photograph taken, but, I want to make sure my children have family photos they can treasure in the future and hand down to future generations. I want to make sure that I have beautiful images hung on my wall of my loved ones to bring me happiness. So, make sure you document your children growing up as it happens so quickly and these photographs will become some of the most important possessions you have.


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